With house prices falling nearly 12 percent in March 2008 and unemployment claims increasing 9.8 percent in the same period, the Deloitte Research Leading Index of Consumer Spending has reached its lowest level since 2001.
Venture capital investment was strong in Mainland China during the first quarter of 2008 as investors put $719 million into 39 deals with media and advertising companies accounted for the bulk of deal activity and investment, according to the China Quarterly Venture Capital Report released by Dow Jones VentureSource. Even though this marks the lowest deal count the region has seen in three years, overall investment rose 46% compared to the $492 million invested in the first quarter of 2007.
Corporations are playing a more active role in humanitarian relief, especially by forming partnerships with relief organizations, The Conference Board reports. Successful corporate-humanitarian partnerships have the potential to deliver fast, effective support during a crisis.
The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods increased 0.2 percent in April, seasonally adjusted, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported.
Monday evening's vote in the Industry Committee on gas market liberalisation saw support emerge for the Commission's latest compromise proposals, designed to address the concerns of countries opposed to "full ownership unbundling" (the complete separation of gas supplies from gas transmission networks). But the final vote was postponed to allow more discussion with a view to achieving a broader consensus on key issues.
Gross domestic product (GDP) in the OECD area rose by 0.5% in the first quarter of 2008, the same rate as in the previous quarter, according to preliminary estimates.
Parliament adopted a report on EU consumer policy strategy (2007-2013) which says that since the greatest obstacles to the development of an internal market in retailing include uncertainties regarding consumer contracts, the report supports the Commission in its efforts to introduce standard contracts and conditions for contracts concluded on-line which would have the same force in all the Member States. The report was adopted with 438 votes in favour, 84 against and 166 abstentions.
The number of Eastern Europeans applying to work in the UK has dropped to its lowest level since 2005, according to statistics published by the Home Office.
The time-share holiday rights of some 1.5 million European families will soon be better protected. A draft EU directive, unanimously approved by the EU internal market committee on Monday, updates rules that are 14 years old so as to address consumer concerns and revitalise a business that is performing below potential.