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added: 08-05-2008

Fitch Ratings has placed the Republic of Slovakia's Long-term foreign currency Issuer Default rating (IDR) of 'A' on Rating Watch Positive (RWP). This action follows the European Commission's (EC) decision to recommend Slovakia's membership of the euro area from January 2009.

added: 08-05-2008

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for the U.K increased 0.1 percent, and the coincident index increased 0.1 percent in March.

added: 08-05-2008

The value of trading in the carbon market more than doubled in 2007 to $64 billion (euro 47 billion), according to the World Bank's annual report, "State and Trends of the Carbon Market." The $64 billion was comprised of approximately $50 billion in allowance transactions and more than $13.5 billion in transactions of project-based emission reductions. Traded volumes also increased.

added: 07-05-2008

The European Central Bank (ECB) publishes its Convergence Report 2008, an assessment of the economic and legal convergence of ten EU Member States: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden. Overall, the report concludes that in recent years some countries have made progress with economic convergence, but in many countries important challenges have come to the fore, particularly in the form of rising inflation.

added: 07-05-2008

EU legislation needs to be updated to keep pace with the rapid progress in the market and technologies of the electronic communications industry internet, fixed line and mobile telephone. Two committees of the European Parliament are sharing this legislative workload: the Internal Market Committee focuses on universal service provision and consumer rights while the Industry Committee deals with other aspects of the telecoms package.

added: 07-05-2008

In March 2008, compared with February 2008, the volume of retail trade fell by 0.4% in the euro area (EA15) and by 0.7% in the EU27. In February retail trade fell by 0.2% and rose by 0.6% respectively.

added: 07-05-2008

Multifactor productivity, defined as output per combined units of labor and capital inputs, grew at an annual rate of 0.7 percent in the private business sector and 0.6 percent in the private nonfarm business sector for 2007, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the U.S. Department of Labor reported.

added: 07-05-2008

To halt rising food prices and improve health in the developing countries, pragmatic measures are needed. Among other things, agriculture in African countries must be developed, the emphasis on bio-fuels must be rethought and tropical diseases must be tackled. This was the message of Jeffrey Sachs, special adviser to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, to the EP Development Committee on Monday.

added: 07-05-2008

A Spanish student wanted to start her university studies in Belgium, but was refused because the original certified diploma of her secondary education had not been issued yet by the Spanish authorities. SOLVIT persuaded the university to accept other evidence so that she would not miss an entire academic year.

added: 07-05-2008

The Conference Board reports that the leading index for Japan increased 0.1 percent, and the coincident index decreased 0.8 percent in March.

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