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added: 13-11-2007

A study on researchers' salaries carried out for the European Commission shows that the average salary for EU researchers is almost €23000 less than the average in the US, and also below average salaries in Australia, India and Japan.

added: 13-11-2007

The money sent by migrants to their former country of residence, usually referred to as workers' remittances, from the EU27 Member States amounted to €26 bn in 2006, compared with €23 bn in 2005.

added: 13-11-2007

Two-thirds of American families are earning more today than their parents did a generation ago, yet their likelihood of moving up - or down - the economic ladder still depends in large measure on their parents' position, according to a new report issued by The Economic Mobility Project, an initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts.

added: 13-11-2007

A recent Maritz(R) Poll found that one-third of respondents (37 percent) plan to shop on the day after Thanksgiving. In last year's poll, a similar number (34 percent) said they would shop on Black Friday.

added: 13-11-2007

The European Court of Auditors' 2006 Annual Report identifies some improvements, particularly in agricultural spending, although errors of legality and regularity still persist in the majority of EU expenditure due to weaknesses in internal control systems both at the Commission and in Member States


added: 13-11-2007

The big news of the week was an especially strong productivity gain in the third quarter. But that tells one more about where the economy was, rather than where it is headed. Productivity and growth are unlikely to be as strong in the fourth quarter as in the third. The other big news of the week was the price of a barrel of crude oil hovering uncomfortably close to $100. Could energy prices push housing problems off the front pages of the business section? That could be in store for the post-holiday period.

added: 13-11-2007

Standard & Poor's, announced that the world's developed and emerging equity markets continued to post positive gains in October despite the volatility in the market. According to Standard & Poor's global stock market review, The World By Numbers, developed equity markets rose 3.40%, while emerging equity markets gained 11.07% for the month.

added: 13-11-2007

The Monster Employment Index Europe grew by two points in October as online job availability across Europe increased for a second consecutive month. European online worker demand reached a new Index-high as France, Sweden and the Netherlands edged higher while Germany and the United Kingdom both saw slight declines. Year-on-year, the Index grew 23 points, or 18 percent.

added: 13-11-2007

CCID Consulting's latest data shows that sales volume has reached 7.462 million sets in 2007Q3, up 18.1% over 2006Q3 in China's PC market, and the sales revenue has reached 38.25 billion Yuan, up 10.8% year-on-year. Notebook is still the main growth momentum for PCs.

added: 13-11-2007

Job Security Index (JSI) - established by Scorelogix in February of 2004, increased by a moderate 1.6% in October indicating growing job security for a majority of people in the nation. According to the JSI report, the East North Central and Middle Atlantic regions experienced the largest increase in job security from last month.

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