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added: 10-09-2008

At present, drivers committing an offence under the highway code in a Member State other than their own often avoid paying the penalty imposed on local drivers. The Transport Committee approved on Tuesday legislation to ensure that drivers will be able to be identified and fined for offences they commit anywhere in the EU. Speeding, drink-driving, not wearing a seat belt and failing to stop at a red light will all be covered by the proposal.

added: 10-09-2008

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has renewed its policy on lending to water projects to adjust it to the developments and challenges of this important sector. The renewed water lending policy will help the EIB to further strengthen its role as a major global financier of the sector, and as the "EU Water Bank".

added: 10-09-2008

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is urging its development partners to ensure that the environment is protected in transport and infrastructure projects.

added: 10-09-2008

Three new delinquent and two recently repurchased loans led to an increase in the U.S. commercial real estate loan (CREL) CDO delinquency rate to 1.79% for August 2008, according to the latest CREL CDO Delinquency Index (CREL DI) from Fitch Ratings.

added: 10-09-2008

The Monster Employment Index France dropped sharply by nine points in August, to 160, as recruitment activity cooled following intense hiring activity throughout the earlier summer months, most notably in the hospitality and tourism sector.

added: 09-09-2008

U.S. employers are projecting a continued decline in hiring intentions for Quarter 4 2008, according to the seasonally adjusted results of the latest Manpower Employment Outlook Survey conducted quarterly by Manpower Inc.

added: 09-09-2008

Between 2000 and 2007, EU27 trade in goods with Ukraine more than tripled in value: exports rose from 5.5 billion euro to 22.4 bn, while imports increased from 4.8 bn to 12.4 bn. As a result, the EU27 surplus in trade with Ukraine increased from 0.6 bn in 2000 to 10.0 bn in 2007.

added: 09-09-2008

The Association Agreement will replace a Partnership and Cooperation which has been in force since 1998. The agreement covers four primary areas of activity: political dialogue and foreign and security policy; justice, freedom and security issues; economic and sectoral cooperation and the establishment of a deep and comprehensive Free Trade Area.

added: 09-09-2008

If there's not an upturn in unemployment and the jobless rate doesn't kick higher in the August labour force figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics later this week, then there is something radically wrong with the new series and the way the budget cuts have forced the ABS to dilute the intensity of its information gathering.

added: 09-09-2008

During the past five years, companies have enjoyed robust average annual returns in global capital markets, according to a new report by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG). But in order to continue that performance in today's much tougher economic environment, they will need to redesign their corporate-strategy process to focus more explicitly on value creation.

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