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added: 09-09-2008

The tide turns? Hurricane Gustav did little damage to the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and the price of a barrel of crude fell below $110. Meanwhile, slowing economic growth at home and abroad is slowing demand for energy and other commodities. In fact, the commodity index that was 30 percent higher in June than one year earlier was less than 1 percent higher in late August.

added: 09-09-2008

The European Commission has tabled its proposal on fishing possibilities for a number of fish stocks in the Baltic Sea for 2009. The proposal follows scientific advice that most stocks in the Baltic Sea should be subject to reduced catches in 2009. This is especially true of the Western cod stock, and of the Western herring stock, both of which require serious attention to prevent their further decline.

added: 08-09-2008

All across Europe and the United States, people are concerned about their country’s purchasing power and many feel that certain countries fare worse than others. Sadly, the concern about purchasing power is not limited to a macro level.

added: 08-09-2008

The unemployment rate rose from 5.7 to 6.1 percent in August, and non-farm payroll employment continued to trend down (-84,000), the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. In August, employment fell in manufacturing and employment services, while mining and health care continued to add jobs. Average hourly earnings rose by 7 cents, or 0.4 percent, over the month.

added: 08-09-2008

Meanwhile there's the proverbial good and bad news from China, with the bad of a type that will have considerable ramifications if true.

added: 08-09-2008

Despite the impact of the ongoing credit and liquidity crisis to most financial services sectors, reinsurance companies are well-positioned to sustain reasonably significant property catastrophe losses or other large sequences of non-cat losses while continuing to meet the needs of reinsurance buyers, according to an analysis by Aon Re Global, the world's largest reinsurance intermediary.

added: 08-09-2008

The $US200 billion takeover of US mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac won't solve America's financial or economic woes, but it might be a start in stabilising the mess.

added: 08-09-2008

The Australian Reserve Bank cut rates this week because the economy is slowing faster than it thought and the cut came despite inflation at 4.5%, the highest level for years.

added: 08-09-2008

Fears are swirling through Asia that the unrest in Thailand and Malaysia, the economic and political woes of Japan and the continuing weakness in South Korea might be a precursor to more serious problems at a time when the Australian economy's sole remaining lifeline is linked firmly into the region.

added: 08-09-2008

Fitch Ratings has said in a special report that capital inflows to Asia have started slowing down given the heightened risk aversion of global investors and the deteriorating economic fundamentals of the region along with the global economy.

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