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added: 04-09-2009

In July 2009 the average MFI interest rates on new deposits showed mixed developments while the majority of the average MFI interest rates on new loans further decreased. In addition, almost all of the average MFI interest rates on outstanding amounts of deposits and loans decreased by 10 or more basis points.

added: 04-09-2009

Melting Himalayan glaciers and other climate change impacts pose a direct threat to the water and food security of more than 1.6 billion people in South Asia, according to preliminary findings of a new study financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

added: 04-09-2009

Nonfarm business sector labor productivity increased at a 6.6 percent annual rate during the second quarter of 2009, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported.

added: 04-09-2009

Against the backdrop of the global financial turmoil and recession, Iceland has been struck by a banking crisis of unprecedented proportions and the economy has plunged into a deep recession. The plight of the banking system was in part the consequence of the sudden shutdown of global capital markets. But Icelandic banks’ aggressive expansion strategies in an atmosphere of ineffective supervision rendered them highly vulnerable.

added: 04-09-2009

China is taking decisive action to help stabilize the world economy and is persisting with efforts to re-balance its economy towards greater domestic demand, said World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick.

added: 04-09-2009

Global reinsurers may struggle to replenish capital if they suffer large catastrophe losses in the current financial market and economic environment, according to Fitch Ratings’ “2009-2010 Global Reinsurance Review and Outlook” report. Fitch’s rating outlook for the global reinsurance sector remains Negative.

added: 03-09-2009

In July 2009 compared with June 2009, the industrial producer price index fell by 0.8% in the euro area (EA16) and by 1.0% in the EU27. In June, prices increased by 0.4% in both zones.

added: 03-09-2009

GDP fell by 0.1% in the euro area (EA16) and by 0.2% in the EU27 during the second quarter of 2009, compared with the previous quarter, according to first estimates released by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities. In the first quarter of 2009, growth rates were -2.5% in the euro area and -2.4% in the EU27.

added: 03-09-2009

Governments should invest more money on children in the first six years of their lives to reduce social inequality and help all children, especially the most vulnerable, have happier lives, according to the OECD’s first-ever report on child well-being in its 30 member countries.

added: 03-09-2009

Since the financial crisis deepened a year ago, coupon use has been on the rise. Marketers made substantially more coupons available to encourage consumer purchases, and shoppers responded by increasing their coupon use by approximately 20 percent during the first half of 2009.

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