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added: 27-08-2009

Health care costs are expected to increase on average 10.5 percent in the next 12 months, according to Aon Consulting.

added: 27-08-2009

Fitch Ratings says the increased numbers of European banks and other originators making tender offers to buy back their structured finance issues primarily reflect originators taking advantage of opportunities to optimise their funding profiles and capital structure. Further evidence of this trend emerged this week with Banco Santander SA's (Santander) ('AA'/Stable Outlook) tender offer for 27 series of structured finance transactions, with a nominal value of EUR 16.5 billion.

added: 27-08-2009

Regional and state unemployment rates were generally little changed in July.Twenty-six states reported over-the-month unemployment rate increases, 17 states and the District of Columbia registered rate decreases, and 7 states had no rate change, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reportedy. Over the year, jobless rates increased in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. At 9.4 percent in July, the national unemployment rate was little changed from June, but was 3.6 percentage points higher than a year earlier.

added: 26-08-2009

New research from Deloitte shows that although most major companies surveyed believe that the U.S. economy will start improving in early 2010, many of those same companies will lag behind the general economy when the rebound occurs. The reason: Too much focus on short-term, tactical actions and little attention to structural changes and strategic investments that are needed to support growth in the new business environment.

added: 26-08-2009

An SEI Global Quick Poll shows that as companies attempt to regain control of pension finances there is a paradigm shift in the focus of resources. More than two-thirds (68 percent) said there is an increased focus on managing pension assets in association with the pension's liabilities. More than half (54 percent) said the organization has an increased interest in risk management and a goals-based approach to pension management.

added: 26-08-2009

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index ®, which had retreated in July, rebounded in August. The Index now stands at 54.1 (1985=100), up from 47.4 in July. The Present Situation Index increased slightly to 24.9 from 23.3 last month. The Expectations Index improved to 73.5 from 63.4 in July.

added: 26-08-2009

The economy has posed many challenges for businesses - including the need to make sure they are prepared for the upturn. According to a new survey, managers are planning to hire a combination of workers to support both long- and short-term initiatives.

added: 26-08-2009

Nearly three quarters of UK businesses surveyed in a recent Barclays Commercial Bank poll now describe their attitude towards the economy as either 'hopeful' or 'excited', while a similar amount are either continuing to grow or predict they will return to growth within the next 12 months.

added: 26-08-2009

Americans lack confidence that healthcare reform will deliver more affordable or better quality medical care, according to a survey released today by the Thomson Reuters.

added: 26-08-2009

The weekly average rate borrowers were quoted on Zillow Mortgage Marketplace for 30-year fixed mortgages decreased last week to 5.19 percent, down from 5.30 percent the week prior, according to the Zillow Mortgage Rate Monitor, compiled by leading real estate Web site®. Rates for 15-year fixed mortgages fell to 4.59 percent from 4.63 percent, and 5-1 adjustable rate mortgages fell to 4.17 percent, down from 4.22 the week prior.

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